Just beat Pathfinder: Wraith of the Righteous! WOW!

Just wanted to say thanks to Owlcat for an AMAZING game! This is the game that rivals BG3 and surpasses it in a number of areas! Just legendary game and I am really sad to learn that none of the upcoming games are Pathfinder or D&D! I think they will be great either way...but still sad!

Was there any thought to licensing the engine and mechanics used in WOTR? I feel like you made an EPIC game in 2-3 years with 100's of hours of content...so the tools must be awesome. I am thinking something like the infinity engine back in the day where it was used for BG1 and BG2 and then Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale 2 which were different developers. We had a new game every year it felt like! I don't think everything needs to be AAA....and if WOTR is AA...give me more!