A Detailed Guide on How To Think Through Which Support To Pick

The two main ways of splitting up supports are:

  • main and flex support, which have no discernable meaning beyond reflecting historical splits in hero pools for pro players
  • main healer and off healer, which reflect only one aspect of the heroes and are generally worthless in saying anything about what a hero actually provides to the team.

These are decent distinctions for some use cases, but neither of them is good for answering: what do I pick with this team?

I don't think there are necessarily perfect splits of categories for what supports fit in what roles. If you want "well my team has an X, so I'm going to pick a Y" like Main and Off tank in OW1, you aren't going to get that.

Instead, I would suggest looking at four traits of support heroes. If you look at a team composition and want to know which support to pick, you need to determine which of these traits that your team needs the most, and pick the support that best fills them.

These traits are: Peel, Teamfight Win Conditions, Flank Support, and Damage Pressure.


Peel is the ability of a support hero to effectively bail a teammate out of enemy pressure beyond just healing them. Repositioning enemies, repositioning teammates, and fully negating damage are good ways of peeling.

When is peel needed? Most of the time, but more specifically and helpfully, it is needed when the enemy team has aggressive, close range heroes; your team has squishy, vulnerable heroes; and you're playing on a map where the former can actually threaten the latter. In practice, this means you will need peel most of the time.

However, you can also keep in mind that other members of your team can provide peel. D.Va, Cassidy and Torbjorn for example are effective at providing supplemental peel and can reduce the need for peel to a certain extent.

Who provides peel?

  • Brigitte (++)
  • Lucio (+)
  • Lifeweaver (+)
  • Kiriko (-)
  • Baptiste (-)

Teamfight Win Conditions

Teamfight Win Conditions are (mostly ultimate) abilities which act as go-buttons for teams. In high level games, you will see these abilities get farmed extremely often. Even in low level games, your team will regularly centre fights around these abilities.

When are Win Conditions needed? In general, every team needs some amount of teamfight win conditions to be a good composition. Without any, your team comp ends up relying on getting picks and winning neutral over and over, which is not reliable. How many win conditions your team does want depends on the style of composition. If your team is playing Poke, you are going to need fewer, because you want to gain advantages during neutral anyway. If you're playing Brawl, you're going to want a lot of them because you're intending on forcing teamfights often.

When are they needed from supports specifically? Quite simply when not enough of them are being provided by the other heroes on your team. In Magua Rush, you want as many win conditions as possible, so you would almost always want one from a support. In Sigma poke, perhaps Flux + Bob is enough.

Who provides win conditions?

  • Ana (+)
  • Juno
  • Kiriko
  • Moira
  • Baptiste (--)

Ana gets special consideration for being the only support with a win condition on a cooldown, as hitting a large anti-grenade can be an instant teamfight win. Other heroes are forced to farm their ultimates, and are defined by having fast to farm, high impact, offensive ultimates.

Flank Support

Flank support is the ability to assist your DPS heroes in winning the side-fight without dying yourself or giving up on all of your other obligations to do so. If you've ever played Tracer and had to 1v1 an enemy tracer who has constant Brig packs; or played Genji and had the enemy Genji constantly being pocketed by a Kiriko, you know how impactful and annoying this can be.

This is not the ability to go on the flank yourself. Any support hero could do that, and quite a few of them could do it and live. This is the ability to support your flankers while remaining flexible in your own positioning and fulfilling other duties.

In general, some combination of long range healing or the ability to easily rotate between supporting the core and supporting the side fight through mobility are needed, plus traits that allow the hero to not be easily and instantly targetted and killed when they provide assistance.

When do you need flank support? Whenever either team have heroes that contest the flank, which at a certain level becomes always. If both teams are playing Window Hanzo or Mei Bastion Mirrors, flank support is unnecessary, but if the enemy has a flanker or your team has a flanker, then flank support is going to be necessary to either help them pressure or help them mark.

Who provides good flank support:

  • Brigitte (+)
  • Lucio (+)
  • Zenyatta (-)
  • Illari
  • Lifeweaver (-)
  • Kiriko
  • Mercy (--)

Damage Pressure

Damage pressure is the ability to click on people and watch their health bars drop without sacrificing too much of the heroes ability to support their team.

When is damage pressure needed? In general, you want to have at least one support providing some degree of damage pressure. Healing is great, but if both of your supports provide no damage at all, then you are going to struggle to keep up with the enemy team and struggle to secure kills.

Additionally, good damage pressure provides the enemies with an extra target who they are forced to deal with, because the support dealing the damage can take a different angle from the rest of their team in many cases. This means the enemy needs to clear more angles as they rotate and generally makes your team more effective in fights.

Who provides damage pressure?

  • Baptiste (+)
  • Illari (+)
  • Zenyatta (+)
  • Kiriko
  • Ana
  • Juno
  • Moira (-)
  • Lucio (-)
  • Mercy (--)

Aproximate Hero Groupings

Ultimately, there is no clean answer to break heroes into two groups and tell you to pick whichever one your team doesn't have. The game is not that simple. Still, the heroes can be broken into three groups and an outlier based on their characteristics here:

Conventional "Main Supports": Peel + Flank Support

  • Lucio
  • Brigitte
  • Lifeweaver

These heroes exist to make your team composition safer overall by both helping your flankers to mark enemy flankers reliably, and helping to bail out teammates who get into trouble. These traits are extremely valuable on most maps and in most compositions, which is why you see them extremely often at higher levels.

Conventional "Flex Supports": Win Conditions + Damage Pressure

  • Ana
  • Juno
  • Moira
  • Baptiste

These heroes (when played correctly, my silver moira friends) are played because they provide some degree of damage pressure and provide extremely strong win condition ultimates that can lead to reliable teamfight wins. These heroes can farm those ultimates relatively often in good conditions, and this provides your team a lot of stability and ease of fight planning.

Poke Supports: Flank support + Damage Pressure

  • Illari
  • Zenyatta
  • Mercy

These heroes don't provide win conditions, and are often the ones needing peel, but they add a ton of damage to your team and they can support heroes on the flank.

They're most commonly used on maps where poke is more dominant, because poke naturally needs to stack fewer teamfight win conditions (poke wants to already have an advantage before neutral ends) and is played on maps where peel is less necessary (on Havana, you can substitute for a lack of peel by playing at large distances from enemy threats).

On extremely brawly maps where teams can force fights at close range and get ontop of your supports easily, pick these with extreme caution.

(Mercy is the ugly duckling here, because she does these things but she doesn't do them very well, at least at higher ELO. There is a reason that people don't like seeing her on their team above a certain rank).

Kiriko: Jack of all trades

Kiriko is an outlier, but this isn't because she is bad. She just provides a combination of traits which isn't available from other support heroes.

Kiriko is not as good at peeling as Brig or Lucio. Her damage is not the most reliable. She is less optimized for flank support than some other heroes. And Kitsune is not quite as strong as Orbital Ray, Nanoboost + Anti-nade, or Coal.

However, she does all of those things at an effective level. She isn't the best hero for any of these things, so there is often a more optimized pick than Kiriko in many scenarios, but you are rarely, if ever, throwing for picking Kiriko.

Limitations and Considerations:

  1. Skill matters. Pick the most optimal hero you can actually play. Don't force Zen or Illari if you cannot aim.
  2. Balance matters. Lifeweaver can be a good hero for a composition in theory but have absymal balance and be worthless in practice. Adjust per patch.
  3. Strategy matters. I've already alluded to this before, but the needs of your team will vary heavily based on whether you're playing Brawl, Poke, or Dive. For example, with Magua you might want to just stack 5 win conditions and yolo into teamfights, because the enemy is doing the same.
  4. The map matters: The same composition facing the same enemy composition can go from needing barely any peel on Circuit royale to needing more peel than you could physically provide on Ilios.
  5. Individual synergy matters. Lucio is better than Brig sometimes despite them offering similar traits just because he provides speed. You should not pick a hero who is a bad fit for the team overall just because of a synergy, but it can be the deciding factor between several viable options.
  6. The matchups matter. Same as above: don't blindly pick a hero with a good matchup when they're horrible for the team comp overall, but use matchups as a tiebreaker between possible options.

Finally, A team composition isn't automatically bad because it has weaknesses, especially in organized games, but for ranked it is better to have fewer weaknesses. A team with no flank support can solve this by coordinating a five man rush onto the enemy Genji Lucio and murdering them before the enemy core can react. Are you likely to do that in competitive? No, not really. The lack of organization ends up favouring well rounded teams because there is less shared understanding of strengths and weaknesses and how to play around them.

Examples In Practice

Using my last few comp games, omitting what I thought was the weakest support pick. Skipped games where my team ran something meta because that's not very useful.

Map: Ilios

  • Your team picks: Junkerqueen, Bastion, Ashe, Juno.
  • The enemy team picks: Ram, Sojourn, Reaper, Ana, Kiriko
  • Optimal Picks: Conventional main supports.
  • You already have three good win conditions, but you have two heroes who desperately need peel.
  • Your DPS are both suboptimal for marking flankers, so they will desperately need help dealing with Reaper Kiriko.
  • Using matchups as a tie breaker, Lucio is great at peeling Reaper and Ram off of targets, so he is ideal.

Map: Blizzard World, Defense

  • Your team picks: Zarya, Pharah, Reaper, Ana
  • Enemy team picks: Sigma, Mei, Widowmaker, Mercy, Kiriko
  • Optimal picks: Damage Supports.
  • You already have good win conditions from anti, nano and graviton. The enemy also has good win conditions, but the poke comp they are running won't let them use them as aggressively.
  • The map is fairly poke heavy, and the enemy DPS lineup will not be aggressive on the flanks, so a conventional main support would not be high value.
  • This is a good opportunity to pick something that adds a damage threat.
  • There is an argument for Mercy to take advantage of her synergy with Pharah, but Zenyatta provides similar value while also allowing an additional off-angle to circumvent Sigma's shield.

Map: Lijiang

  • Your team picks: D.Va, Sojourn, Mei, Mercy
  • The enemy team picks: D.Va, Sombra, Sojourn, Ana, Kiriko
  • Your team has some win conditions from Mei, but Sojourn ultimate is unreliable while D.Va and Mercy provide nothing in that regard. The enemy on the other hand has Nano, Nade, Kitsune and EMP.
  • The map is easy to force teamfights on, so you're essentially forced to pick a hero with win conditions or you risk just being ultimate snowballed.
  • However, you also need some degree of peel if you want your Sojourn to have any impact against Sombra D.Va.
  • Likewise, Flanker support would go a long way to helping Mei mark the Sombra without having her Ice block forced early; she doesn't need a lot of help, but does require some.
  • Mercy provides some degree of damage pressure by pocketing Sojourn, but this could be better.
  • Optimal pick: Kiriko. Your team needs a bit of everything and that's what she's good at.

Map: Dorado, Attack

  • Your team picks: D.Va, Echo, Cassidy, Zenyatta
  • The enemy team picks: Junkerqueen, Junkrat, Ashe, Kiriko, Brigitte.
  • This is a difficult one, because it is hard to pick a hero who fulfills everything your team needs.
  • Echo would love some flank support because she is being marked by Ashe and has to get kills on a backline that has Kiriko and Brig for flank support.
  • Your team has duplicate, which isn't reliable, but otherwise lacks any teamfight win conditions at all. The other team has Kitsune and Rampage, plus the less reliable riptire.
  • There is a judgement call to make here: You can't pick the perfect hero that covers every weakness in every composition: You're forced to chose what is more important:
  • Do you hope that a Nanoboost or Ray could help your D.Va echo break through the enemy team? Commit to the win condition.
  • Do you think that some flanker support and even more peel could help your team simply win the neutral and make up for horrible teamfight presence? Perhaps Lifeweaver or Brig could help Echo make plays and keep Zen alive.
  • Do you just want to split the difference and hope doing both of these things okay is enough? Kiriko is always an option.
  • Ultimately, the clear answer is to flame your team until they get off Zen.


  1. Consider what your team composition needs in terms of support for/against flanker heroes, peel for backline, teamfight win conditions, and damage output.
  2. Adjust those needs based on what map you're playing and what the enemy team is running.
  3. Break ties based on your matchup knowledge, don't blindly pick a good matchup.
  4. Pick the best hero you know how to play.