"You're in the rank you deserve"
I'm gonna go ahead an take issue with this. I made a new account bc I had a feeling my mmr was jacked up, bc I was hardstuck silver for 3 seasons, including this one, but I was constantly outperforming the teams I was losing with, to the tune of they're dying 6 times and I'm dying twice while tripling their elims.
Lo and behold, on my new account I placed gold, and after 32 games, I'm carrying a 66% win percentage vs my 46% in silver, and I've got more kills, heals, assists and final blows per 10 minutes than I've ever had.
Every time anyone posts on this board complaining about bad teammates, there's this knee jerk reaction to blame the person posting for not dragging 4 subpar players to higher rank.
I grew up playing team sports and there's a saying we have: "you're only as strong as your weakest link," and I've yet to see a team in any sport, prove that adage wrong.
The fact of the matter is, most of the time, that just not possible, especially if you're still learning the game. The game is designed for teams to be able to snowball off of poor play. And sure, a diamond should have no problem carrying in silver, but to imply that someone who deserves to be in the middle of the rank above, should be able to overcome the mistakes of 4 other people is asinine.
Sometimes you are NOT in the rank you deserve. My suggestion to anybody who's in a similar situation where it's very obvious on a consistent basis that you're the best player on the teams you're on, is to scrap the account.
Chances are, you were terrible in the beginning, and it's entirely possible that the game is still punishing you for that through hidden mmr stats.
Obviously this doesn't apply in every case, specifically for people who have reached their skill ceiling. But if you're noticably improving your position and mechanics in low ranks and you're not seeing a result? Don't let these people tell you that it's your fault for not carrying 4 other people who were never gonna make it out of bronze.
Wait for the next rank reset, make a new account with your improved skill set, and prosper. It's not gonna work if you're lying to yourself about it. it's not gonna work if you're not actually putting the work in. It's not gonna work if you're not actually better But hard work is not always enough to overcome the cesspool of smurfing nonsense that low metal ranks bring, and at a point you're hurting your development by consistently making the wrong play, because it's what you have to do to try to salvage the game.
I was hardstuck in bronze 3, and unable to acrry despite clearly outplaying the team, so I switched accounts. I got hardstuck silver 4, my stats improved and I was unable to carry despite clearly outplaying the team so I switched accounts. Now I'm currently in the middle of gold 3 and carrying matches. My stats improved, and I actually do feel like I'm able to make a difference on the outcome of the game, as opposed to playing well, and watching the egregious mistakes of my teammates pile up into an insurmountable obstacle.
Don't give up, keep your head down, and be damn sure that you take the words of the detractors on this board with enough salt that you need f*cking coronary