How to deal with uncooperative teammates?
I'm Silver 5 and the past few games I've had included at least one person who was completely ignorant of team communication. For example, we had a Doomfist on our team who was doing well against Reinhardt for the first two checkpoints in round 1 (attack), and then, when the enemy tank switched to Hog. From this moment our Doom was totally compromised, he fell into a bad loop of dying against the hog and could not get anything done. So I tried to advise him to switch in the text chat, but he did not respond at all. We ended up with 2 points on that round. What followed was we had a very hard time defending the payload throughout the next round. I tried my best to hard carry, going so far as to prioritise keeping our tank from dying to Hog. He refused to switch up until we lost the game. It's not like I think my team is holding me back, I'm well aware silver is my place right now. It's just too often that we are playing essentially 4v5 because of an unresponsive teammate. Do you have any advice, other then tagging them as "avoid as teammate"?