How Do I Deal With Ball as a Tank?

I am a tank player that plays Doomfist, Winston, Dva and Sigma. I can Flex multiple tanks and I refuse to do Roadhog into this meta. My team constantly gets rolled in the backline so I thought I should just peel and annoy ball. Ball escapes my team lives but my team then blames me for not doing enough.

I gave up peeling for Ball and thought it was the wrong choice so I would dive their supports to make it easier for my team to win or defend against the ball. Turns out they just die and then blame me and tell me I'm not doing enough and that it's just a tank diff when they play soldier, ashe, reaper etc. Everything else but Sombra (for some reason) and I constantly get flamed.

I know it isn't as black and white but seriously what should I do vs ball? I want to improve and learn so I can stop getting flamed and enjoy tank just a little more than the suffering of this season.