Ask Us Anything! - Join the Overwatch development team for the fifth anniversary AMA
It’s time! Get ready for the Overwatch developer AMA! From 1:30 – 3:30 PM PDT | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM EDT | 20:30 – 22:30 UTC, we will have several developers from the Overwatch team present within this thread to answer your questions! We’ve written out a few things to know, so please read before posting a reply.
- We will be answering questions about the current state of Overwatch, its history over the past five years, and recent announcements like BlizzConline and the developer livestream, so please no questions about unreleased content – We don’t have any announcements to make about the future today. We’d love to be able to answer as many questions as possible, so let’s try to make them count.
- We welcome questions on a variety of topics, but we just ask that you remain respectful – We’re here to help!
- Reply to this thread with your questions – Other threads or platforms and any sort of direct messaging are not included in this event.
- Please adhere to all rules within the r/Overwatch subreddit.
We are joined today by a suite of Overwatch developers, so feel free to direct your questions to appropriate team members!
- Game Director – Aaron Keller (u/blizz_akeller)
- Principal Game Designer – Scott Mercer (u/blizz_smercer)
- Lead Hero Designer – Geoff Goodman (u/blizz_geoffgoodman)
- Technical Director – John Lafleur (u/blizz_jlafleur)
- Lead Software Engineer – Bill Warnecke (u/billwarnecke)
- Character Art Director – Arnold Tsang (u/Blizz_steamboy33)
- Senior Concept Artist - David Kang (u/blizz_DKANG)
- Community Manager – Josh Nash (u/blizz_jnash)
Let’s get the AMA underway!
EDIT: Thanks for joining us for the AMA, we’re so appreciative of our wonderful community. We hope you had your questions answered, and if not, take a look through the other responses, it may have been answered elsewhere! We look forward to more exciting years of Overwatch to come. Stay up to date with what’s happening in Overwatch on our official website and social media channels: Facebook| Twitter | YouTube | Instagram