Got called a jackahh

Hello everybody! I have a question. I was playing with this person in Quickplay over 2 games and they weren't happy. I dint have any screen shots or a good memory but they said something along the lines of "it's a shame to be an adult and work everyday, and when you want to have some fun it's ruined by a person who plays all day." I was doomfist and I was kinda chilling with their supports that game so I ended with no stats. That one was fair as I did not try.

The second game had me questioning. I played Orisa and two of the same people were on my team. I actually tried and ended 4-8. For this I was called a jack@$$. I didnt know you could use that word in OW2 chat. But I actually tried that round and I deprioritized them as teammates. (For some context, I wasn't intententionally playing tank. I was doing the all roles challenged and every game made me tank.)

Also I don't play tank. I've only ever played support with a few dps such as Sym and Cass. I dont understand Doom or Orisa enough to play them and the other tanks seemed even more complciated.

I will admit the first game I was in the wrong. But in the second game I legitamately tried and ended negative. Did I deserve to be insulted? If there are a few holes left in this story I'll try to fill them if you want.

Also, I do not play all day. I have school.