Competitive player base
As a tank player, I'm gonna be honest, whenever my team tells me to switch, I do, I do switch, but when I ask the support or damage to switch, they stay the characters they are and refuse to switch, I don't get the ego, not all players are this way, but a majority are, I'll choose to play Doomfist, and my support or damage will be getting countered, and I'll kindly ask them to switch, but they refuse and say it's because me and then they have 400 damage 90 healing, and I'll switch to something like sigma or dva, just to rid projectiles and certain ults and to dive certain characters, but for some reason, it's still my fault, and so I ask people to switch to dive characters since it'll help more, and they refuse and say "this is current meta support/damage" and I'm just, dumfounded, you complain to me about not playing the right pick, so I switch for you to fit more for you, and so I ask something like zen or bastion to play into orisa or zarya and they refuse to switch and it just, I don't get it, It's a TEAM GAME we're meant to play as a TEAM, please play for wins and not k/d of course have fun while you play but, make sure everyone is having fun please :c