It's either slighly overpowered 5v5 solo tank or return to 6v6. There's nothing in between.

I know this is a semi-regular post now but I really want to voice out my frustrations.

This season is truly the best experience I've had in Overwatch 2. The state the game is in now should've been the first season for the game's release. Tanks aside, the only problem with DPS and support is balance, and that can be corrected with further hotfixes and patches, it's not bad.

On the other hand, playing a tank is just awful.

I've been playing OW since 2016. I am a tank main, I love tank heroes and I witnessed every 'era' of tanks there was. I remember introduction of role queue, dive, double shields and goats metas.

And to be honest - the state of tanks now is the most miserable there ever was, or at least since OW2 (double shield was boring but OW2 Season 9 is just frustrating). Every fight ends up being constant rock-paper-scissors hero swapping, you die really awfully fast, to survive longer you have to constantly hide behind cover but then you don't contribute anything to the fight and some heroes are literally unplayable.

There are only two ways going forward for tanks:
return to 6v6 or buff and rework tanks to be the center of the fight.

  • 6v6 allows for tank synergies, return of off-tanks, more coordinated team plays and less counterpicking. Double shield would not be much of a problem since OW2's shields are designed to be situational now.
  • Buffing tanks in 5v5 would make the gameplay feel more like a MOBA - micromanagement of individual teammates, enabling them to execute certain plays.

I strongly believe that returning to 6v6 wouldn't affect queue times now since people don't want to pick tanks anyway because of how frustrating being a solo tank is. In fact - that could boost them. I dunno I just wanted to voice my frustrations. I want to play tank but it just sucks now :/