Support mains, how do you stay sane?

I recently started playing support (as Baptiste) after being a dps main. When I played dps I would always thank the support when they healed me and usually endorsed them after the game, after all they kept us alive so we could win. But since switching to support I'm slowly losing the will to live. Im trying to keep everyone alive whilst being shot at by the entire enemy team, then the tank starts spamming "I need healing" so I focus on healing the tank but then everyone else complains that they're not getting any healing, so I ask for another healer so thats everyone can get healing but of course my request gets ignored. It seems no matter what I do my team always finds something to complain about. Yesterday I saved my entire team from Sigmas ult but one of them died a few seconds after and start yelling at me, like bro did you not see what I just did?! And dont even get me started on those people that run to the other side of the map, alone, and complain about getting no healing. I honestly really enjoy playing support more than the other roles, but sometimes it makes me wanna put my head through a wall. So, fellow support mains, how do you stop yourself from going insane?

EDIT: I really wasn't expecting so many people to just say "we dont stay sane" lol. But thanks for all the advice everyone!