Please tell me i not going crazy
Please tell me there is a reasonable explation for all of this. On friday I did some work on Word (reviewing some old videos) i copy and pasted it from word to google (more on this later) then into an email which i sent, i was just told today that i didn't send it. I check my outlook and its not in sent items, outbox, drafts or deleted items. I check word and its not there, finally i check my google search history and while there is things i searched up to check if the video is right, the search i did of the whole email (I do this to check for spelling errors) is missing, WHY??? WHY IS THERE NO TRACE WHAT IS HAPPENING I DID THE WORK, IT WAS DONE BUT ITS GONE PLEASE HELP ME I FEEL LIKE I GOING INSANE WHY IS THERE NO TRACE, NOT IN RYCYCLE BIN OR ANYWERE PLEA