ACCEPTED!!!! 3x reapplicant, low stats, low SES, first gen, feels surreal. I am so happy 😭😭😭

495->499 MCAT 3.19 undergrad overall GPA 3.05 undergrad science GPA

4.00 Master’s GPA

3.34 overall GPA 3.32 science GPA

This school is across the country and has a heavy in region bias.

They take students from out of region who are focused on rural and underserved primary care and who are from those areas. This is literally my whole background and mission statement.

I applied on 10/28, I didn’t get a fee waiver here so I was hesitant to pay the application fee.

They received my application 10/29.

Secondary invite 10/30.

Submitted secondary 12 AM 11/7.

Interview invite noticed through portal SAME DAY 11 PM 11/7, registered then got the official email the next morning when the school opened for business hours.

Interviewed 11/14.

Accepted 12/05!!!!

This is such a quick turnaround, feels surreal.

This is a great program for me wanting to go into rural family medicine and I am so ecstatic 😭😭😭.

Just sad I will be moving across the country, I can only afford to put down on one DO school and my MCAT is too low for MD