They recieve Communion without being baptized
Hi everyone,
I have a problem that I wanted to share because I don’t know what to do. I come from Eastern Europe, and now I live in the West. My brother and mother go to a small Orthodox church on Sundays. Before finding this church, they also attended a Catholic church a few times. In each of these churches, they received Communion, even though we are not baptized.
I told them several times that they cannot do this. They usually respond unenthusiastically saying that it is not a big deal and then say that if the priest knows them and hasn’t said anything it must be fine. My mom also said that she even asked a random person in the church whether they could receive Communion without being baptized, and they were told that it was okay.
I’m not sure if the priest actually knows that they are not baptized (I do not attend that church myself, as I live in a different city). I have explained it to them multiple times, but I don’t know if they will listen to me. It’s super annoying and I don’t know what to do.