New to Christianity, unsure of what denomination I should be

Hi! So I'm looking for some advice.

I'm brand new to the Christian faith (Muslim background, I won't get into the whole journey here). I don't know what denomination to belong too. I really want to be part of an apostolic church. I'm leaning towards Orthodoxy because a few months ago I was attending an Orthodox servicd. It was only for a few minutes and in a foreign language, but it felt so peaceful and beautiful.

  1. I'm struggling with wearing modest clothes. I've managed to cut out secular music and swearing and I'm working on how I act. I used to wear short shorts and tank tops often, but now I hate the way I look in them. I don't want to wear revealing clothesI don't know how to let it go, though. And I live in a country with forty degrees heat, so I'm not sure what to do.

  2. I finished reading the NT a few days ago. Now I'm working through the writings of the early church fathers (Clement, Barnabas etc). I know the Catholic and Orthodox canons are different to the Protestant for the OT, do you know where I could find an online Orthodox version?

  3. I understand the apostolic view of the Eucharist, but I'm curious what it feels like. Does it just feel like eating normal bread and wine? My best friend is Protestant and they think it's symbolism, in fact, a lot drink grape juice because they don't want alcohol.

  4. I know the general history of early Christianity (Council of Nicea etc) but I don't know a lot about the Great Schism. What makes this the true church over Catholicism?

  5. Is this an Orthodox view? I do believe in the authority of the church and church fathers, but the Bible has the ultimate authority (eg nowadays some churches (mainly Protestant) allow LGBT. The Bible is against that)

  6. I really want to follow the original tradition. How did the early church pray and structure their day? I say the Lord's Prayer three times a day, plus personal prayers. Is there anything else I should do?

  7. Last thing is I want to do the Wednesday and Friday fast. I'm used to the full Islamic fast (no food or water, sunrise to sunset for a month), what's the difference? And I want to get baptised (have to wait a few years though, personal reasons). My best friend is Protestant, could she do it? And should I take a new name? My name is Arabic but not Islamic per se.

Any other information id really appreciate, it's been a painful journey but I think I've found the truth God bless ❤️