An apology

Dear all, after a long intense conversation with the victim, I do apologise for calling it the FAKE bastian case, and the harshness of my comments

I myself have had many a fake / anonymous account trolls, impersonate and accuse me and ppl I am close to of many things and so I was very against the account as i never believe anything from an anonymous account

But as promised, I said I would apologise if the victim proved who she was and that there was some sort of situation and manage to convince me of that and so she did

If true, my heart goes out to the victim and I really do hope she gets her day in court, and manages to heal from what has happened, and I would like to believe the truth does always eventually come out

I am in no way am saying the case is true or false, what evidence there is or isint, what happened or not, as I do not know - and I was not there,

But I do apologise to the girl, and would like to retract my aggressive statements and I see no shame in sticking to my word, and apologising when wrong,

I was dragged into the story by that photo and so with all the people asking for my opinion, I gave an honest one.. which is I would never believe an anonymous account, and I still won’t believe an anonymous account.

I also do not think it’s right to blame and target someone’s friends, and then their friends etc for crimes or things they have not done..

Once again sorry for the harshness of tone, I hope justice is served