Ophie hid my account from her YouTube page after I called her out for lying and calling murder a moral act

Last screenshot was from this morning and shows there are 3 replies to her pinned comment, which is where most of these screenshots took place. Opened incognito mode and sure enough, our conversations gone.

So hey Ophie! you seem vain enough to check here every once in a while. You mentioned this subreddit in a comment so I know you at least know about it. I just want to reiterate that you are what you complain about. By that I mean, your content style of criticizing others (mostly women) for their content/behavior is no different than, say, what Swoop is doing in her videos. Y’all are just arguing different points and you feel validated in criticizing her because you disagree with her.

Also your content isn’t about feminism. You don’t talk about women’s equality at all. You share what you think feminism should be by picking apart other women and complaining about how they aren’t feminist. That’s called gatekeeping 😬