Ophie Dokie is a hypocritical parasocial GRIFTER
Here is one of my first main issues with Ophie's hypocrissy. Ophie Uses sympathy to beg for money from parasocial viewers. It is manipulative and unethical. Ophie saying she's "disabled, unemployed, dealing with court for my housing, disability, and for a termination that's been already determined by the EEOC to have been wrongful but that didn't go anywhere in mediation and has to be sued now," is a blatant attempt to exploit her parasocial audience for money. If anyone else did that she'd call them a manipulator
The "dealing with court for my housing" is exteremely emotionally manipulative because it is 100% her own fault for bringing in a subletter on her lease and not collecting a security deposit. she refuses to take responsibility for that, and frames it as whoa is me i have to deal with the court for my housing. Yea. because she didn't pay the rent that you owe that you signed a contract on.
she does this a lot on all her platforms and it's gross. she said "if you're interested in just tossing me a few bucks to help keep my head above water this month," that is literally using her messy situation to guilt her viewers into giving money and they fall right into that trap
This behavior is gross and manipulative. preying on the emotional investment of her audience. I fully was turned completely off when she started doing this cash grab knowing her fans would fall for it and they will fall for it again