Need advice

Around the end of my grade 12 first semester I had some mental health problems that took me out of school for the rest of the term. It resulted in my grades dropping a lot. I was panicking the second semester because I got a conditional offer which I needed 70% for and I worked as much as I could but only got to 69.16%. They sent me this message today.

To follow up, you've received the conditions reminder emails specifically regarding your admission average. Our records indicate that your top six 4U/4M courses have an average of 69.16%. The conditions of your offer of admission are to meet an average of minimum 70%. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the revocation of your offer of admission.

What do I do I'm kinda freaking out because I thought I was in and had 70 and already paid the housing and tuition aswell as told everyone. Is there any pathway I can take.