Any advice on my situation
Hello, I just moved here around 2 weeks ago from England so I’m not sure what my rights are. I’m a Canadian citizen but haven’t lived here since I was around 10 and I’m 25 now.
So here’s the story, I posted an ad on roomies when I was still in England looking for somewhere on march the 1st. A man responded to my advert and he was advertising his spare room in his 2 bedroom apartment. He signed a lease for 2 years under his name. I flew here everything was great and then when I got here he told me I don’t need to pay rent in march because it’s free just the utilities. He told me because he signed a 2 year lease he gets 2 months free so that was fine with me.
So everything started going left when he said he hopes we can get into a relationship or get closer so he can start to “touch” me or have some sort of sexual relationship in the future and he told me he had sexual relations with his previous roommate. I told him there was no way in hell that would ever happen and I lied and said I have a boyfriend. After I said that he changed.
Anyways long story short, I have so many messages of him harassing me and I have not responded only to say leave me alone and last night he was bombarding me with messages and calling my name from the living room I had to threaten him that I’d call the police because he was beginning to scare me.
We both signed a lease for 1 year and now he messaged me saying that the lease is not valid because he put his name wrong and he’ll call the police to remove me because I didn’t pay this months rent even though I have the messages of him telling me it’s free. I’m scared that he will be able to kick me out because this apartment is in his name. I don’t know anyone here and I am alone. I told him I will leave I’m just looking for a new place but not sure how long it would take. Would he be able to kick me out? I don’t know what to do. Any advice would be great