OP08 Ranked Ladder Meta Report Week 3
Heya everyone! Meta Report for Week 3 of OP08 on the SIM is out! With access to 1 Billion Berries stats (high-rank players), we can compare them with the overall stats and see how decks are actually performing against seasoned players.
Article: OP08 Ranked Meta Report Week 3
I'll share one of the top-played decklists (usually from the top ranks) and other cards players are including in their lists. I'll also share matchup info, but take those with a pinch of salt since I can't filter by rank.
Keep in mind that the lists I share are not the definitive decklists you should be playing. Lists can be tweaked depending on the meta shifts, your locals, and your preferences.
- Rob Lucci remains the top-performing deck in the current meta, capable of beating most of the decks he goes up against. Lucci has the highest win rate among the top 10 decks.
- Black Luffy is struggling to beat Rob Lucci, Nami, Purple Luffy, and Reiju, but it beats the rest of the meta decks. It remains the second most-played deck with a decent win rate.
- Black Yellow Luffy comes in third, and although it has an overall negative win rate, if we only look at the stats of top players, BY Luffy has the second-highest win rate among the top 10, just behind Rob Lucci. More lists are picking up Ace again.
- Although Red Zoro and Yellow Katakuri have high overall win rates, those win rates drop significantly in the top-ranked meta field. This is mostly because Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy are more popular choices among top players, two decks that beat Zoro and Katakuri.
- Green Bonney is in a rough spot, held back by Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy. It's barely holding a 50% win rate in Billion Berries meta. However, players are adopting the Fortress strategy again, with a couple of lists adding Kid and 2-cost Rosinante again.
- Pudding's win rate continues to fall, but top-ranked players are testing out a different list, which is oddly holding up well.
- Nami remains the best anti-meta deck, targeting the top 3 most-played decks. (Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, BY Luffy)
- Reiju feels like a safe choice, putting up a solid fight against most of the popular decks in the meta.
- Purple Luffy pushes back into the top 10, kicking out Yellow Kalgara. PLuffy is beating Rob Lucci and Black Luffy, which explains the rise in popularity.
- Although Black Moria plummeted in popularity, the deck still has one of the highest win rates in the meta.
- One Carrot list in the Billion Berries rank has a 53.5% win rate.
This is it from me! How is the meta treating you so far?