OP07.5 Ranked Meta Report Week 3 + OP08 Pre-release guide!

Alright, a lot going on this week! More meta changes on the 3rd week of OP07.5 SIM ranked.

These stats are important since we're playing in a meta with RP Law and Enies Lobby banned, which should help us understand how the meta has evolved! The bans will be official for this weekend!

Meta Report: OP07.5 Ranked Meta Report Week 3

I'll share one of the top-played decklists and highlight other cards that players are including. I'll also share matchup info, but take these with a grain of salt since I can't filter by rank.

Keep in mind that the lists I share are not the definitive decklists you should be playing. Lists can be tweaked depending on the meta shifts, your locals, and your preferences.

We also have OP08 pre-release event starting September 6th to September 12th. So I wrote a little guide for those joining the event for the first time and unsure how things work, which Leader to play, or how to build their decks.

OP08 Pre-release: OP08 Two Legends Sealed Pre-release Guide


  • Black Yellow Luffy takes first place in games played on the ranked! The deck is looking powerful going into this weekend's tournamets. Many lists are cutting Ace out entirely and going for more removal options.
  • Black Rob Lucci is climbing up the ranked quickly, going from 4th most-played deck to second place, barely overtaking Bonney. It currently has the highest win rate on the ranked ladder, only truly held back by BY Luffy's popularity.
  • Green Bonney falls from first to third place, but maintains a high win rate and a great matchup table in OP07.5. Players are dropping X-Drake from their experiments and grabbing OP02 Carrot instead.
  • Reiju continues to lose popularity, now in the 4th spot in terms of play rate.
  • Every week we mention Katakuri being an underdog Leader in OP07.5, but this past week, Katakuri skyrocketed from 9th place to the top 5 most played decks! The Yellow Leader has the second-highest win rate.
  • Gecko Moria falls in popularity as players switch back to Rob Lucci.
  • It's not looking too good for Yellow Enel players when compared with Katakuri's stats.
  • Nami is chilling, watching Reiju lose popularity. This only benefits the Blue deck's tournament experience.
  • Blue Doffy remains a popular deck with barely a 50% win rate. The rise of Rob Lucci again in the meta isn't looking too great for Doffy players. They'd rather prey on Green Bonney and Black Yellow Luffy players.
  • Lastly, Green Black Perona shows up again in the top 10, kicking PLuffy out. However, PLuffy is still performing better than Perona. Perona has the lowest win rate among the top 10 decks.

Phew, this is it from me! Let me know your thoughts on the meta so far!