How will Netflix divide the rest of the series by season after Dressrosa?
So I’ve been watching one piece on Netflix and the other day, they just added the Dressrosa arc and the Silver Mine filler arc which are marked as season 23 and 24. Which got me wondering how are they dividing episodes by seasons. I’m wondering this because for some reason over a year ago they started adding the Egghead island arc as it was coming out. This was right after Netflix added Marineford. They marked Egghead as season 38. And now with silver mine as season 24 I’m wondering how they are going to divide the rest of the episodes seasons 25-37. That’s episodes 751-1088. I thought they were going to divide Dressrosa into 2 or 3 parts like they did with Skypiea and Enies Lobby, but no they put all 118 episodes as season 23. Followed up with silver mine as season 24. The arcs that have not been released on Netflix are Zou, Whole Cake Island, Levely, Wano, and the Marine Rookie filler arc. If they keep doing 1 arc per season, that would go up to season 29. How will they do season 30-37?