Crunchyroll has Deleted all Comments from their Platform
Some of you are likely already aware, but a few days ago, Crunchyroll removed ALL comments from their entire website. Their reasoning was due to a more recent anime being review bombed and the fallout being largely toxic, but whether this is the truth or not who can say.
I know for me, I was using Crunchyroll for watching One Piece, and I enjoyed seeing comments (especially for older episodes) since it gave me a feel about how the fandom was during a certain point in time. I find its departure to be quite a loss.
How do you feel about this change? Does it matter to you since there are other comments forums (such as right here on reddit)? Do you think the change was done out of good intentions or no? Do you even watch One Piece on Crunchyroll? If you do, will this make you change?
EDIT: It sounds like the anime in question was "Twilight out of Focus" and the toxicity seemed to be homophobic in nature. IGN Article Linked now (Note: I neither support nor condemn IGN, I just looked for an article that explained the situation) Crunchyroll Announces the Removal of Its Comment Section Across All Platforms To 'Reduce Harmful Content' (