One Piece’s Pacing (a slight rant)

It's always funny when people talk about One Piece's pacing or how long it is.

Not saying it isn’t bad—it definitely is (Sky Island was the worst for me)—but we also have to take into account:

• Pacing in general was bad at that time like it’s not the only one. • One Piece has a way bigger world, roster of characters, and stories being told. • One Piece has good filler arcs

And a lot of the people that say it’s bad either haven’t watched it or only watched a little bit & just want to hope on the bad pacing train. I don’t know, it might just be me, but the length of it makes it feel like a journey. I’d understand if it was long & a bad story but it only gets better & better (even with the current arc arguably being one of the best)

Don’t get me wrong I definitely still want a remake for sure, but it’s not that bad. I feel like people just want to skip to the end and be caught up or know this and that, rather than just enjoy the journey.