Probably the angriest rant i will ever post in this subreddit. (triangle era vol 2)

Are you fucking kidding DC? What is it do you think your readers want? Are you from the same planet as us? Why the fuck would you make triangle era vol 2 the most MASSIVE double-fucking-dip in your entire publication history? I could get over it if it was the same contents of Death and return, but you decided to map it with JUUUUUST a little bit of issues that go further back then death of return so it’s “different” even though 1/3rd of the omnibus is just a reprint. Triangle era volume 3 will probably be the same fucking thing. You could’ve ended it right before DaR and labeled it something like “Road to death of superman”. I really tried to give you guys the benefit of the doubt, “Dc has been really upping their game!” And then you publish some stupid shit like this. Man i’m still gonna buy that shit but i’m mad as hell