Does anyone miss high-school?

Pretty much the title. This year would be ten years since I graduated. I have no idea if there is a reunion and I have no interest in going if there is. Does anyone miss their time in high-school? When I was in high-school, adults told me that these would be the best four years of my life. I would look back fondly on these four years. As a teenager I didn't believe it and was told I'll see when I'm older. At graduation they said "look around you. You may never see these people again." And? I barely know most of them.

Well I'm older and I still don't buy it. I didn't like high-school. Yes I had less responsibilities but I had no money to do anything and no car to go anywhere. My freetime wasnt even all my own because I had homework. I had a small handful of friends. We had some fun times. I've made more friends after high-school than I did my whole time in school. I don't miss the ridiculous drama of who's friend with who, oh that's so-and-so's brother, oh they live in this part of town. The only really fond memories I have are from when my wife and I started dating. But the vast majority of people don't marry their high-school sweetheart. Without that I can't find anything fun or endearing.

Maybe I'm just being negative or maybe I just had a bad time in high-school. If someone tells me high-school was the best four years of their life I find it sad. The best time of their life was when they had no control of their life.