Found out my 6 month pregnant wife cheated on me for a whole year while staying away

I (33M) married to 30F for 3 years. She was staying in Ahmedabad for her job for around 2 years and has recently left and joined me after she conceived. Now yesterday while going through an old phone of hers, I found chat of her with a senior ex-collegue of hers who is also married with a 10 year old kid. I was shattered and didn't know what to do. She had gone to her hometown and I confronted her, after initial refusal she accepted everything. Claims it was an emotional affair without anything physical (only kiss and hugs). I made her tell that guys wife. I also msgd the wife. I am pretty sure their family is also destroyed. She is crying inconsolably and begging for forgiveness. Today she returned to my place. I told her very clearly I am staying only for the baby (who I believe is mine) and want nothing to do with her. We are currently in separate bedrooms. I really don't know how to proceed further. I have heard "once a cheater, Always a cheater". Never thought this could happen to me. Have always pitied others whose spouses cheat and felt so lucky to have her in my life, but tides have turned and I am in the same shoes. I can't even share it with anyone. Please advice.