If you could have any enemy from Ocarina of Time as a pet, which one would you choose and why?

I've been thinking lately about how diverse and interesting the enemies in Ocarina of Time are. If you had the chance to tame and keep one of them as a pet, which one would you pick? Would you go for a cute and cuddly Deku Scrub, a loyal and protective Wolfos, or maybe even a quirky and mischievous Poe? Personally, I'd go with a Spike enemy. Not only would it make for a great security system, but can you imagine the reactions from people making fun of me then they suddenly realize my pet rock I’m dragging on a leash is actually a lethal spike ball of death? And I don’t have to feed him truly Priceless. Share your thoughts and reasons behind your choice!

The Gerudo women are off limits for this one😅

I've been thinking lately about how diverse and interesting the enemies in Ocarina of Time are. If you had the chance to tame and keep one of them as a pet, which one would you pick? Would you go for a cute and cuddly Deku Scrub, a loyal and protective Wolfos, or maybe even a quirky and mischievous Poe? Personally, I'd go with a Spike enemy. Not only would it make for a great security system, but can you imagine the reactions from people making fun of me then they suddenly realize my pet rock I’m dragging on a leash is actually a lethal spike ball of death? And I don’t have to feed him truly Priceless. Share your thoughts and reasons behind your choice!

The Gerudo women are off limits for this one😅