People who use Obsidian for Journaling
How do you structure your vault?
I have a folder called Journals where I save daily notes. All other notes are in a root folder where I use MOC.
I'm trying to figure out how I can use these to truly benefit from Note taking.
As an example, I may have watched the movie Hacksaw Ridge. I make a note about when I watched it and who I watched it with. At the same time, the note connects to my notes about the world war because it is a war movie. But, it gets complicated because it is a journal entry where it is also linked to a note about the friend I watched it with.
I'm considering making a separate vault for my daily notes but then I'd be missing out on the benefit of linking the notes. In this example, it could just be reminding me of who I watched the movie with or what their opinion is about Andrew Garfield.
Are you using any better methods because I'd eventually, genuinely like to be able to use my vault as a second brain seeing that I've been making daily notes for almost a decade now? My secondary plan is to, maybe when local LLMs are affordable, train an AI model on my journals in the near future to act as a virtual clone of me.