Gucci Slides on Amazon
How wild that Amazon has some replica sellers on there! Was looking at these and had reached out to the seller about measurements to get further info. Heard back and unfortunately they don’t go past size 10 for larger feet but pretty cool in general! You can do a search in the bar and list Gucci Slides for women and you’ll see other brands too like Prada, etc. Shipping seems to take quite a bit of time though so keep that in mind if you decide to try it out.
How wild that Amazon has some replica sellers on there! Was looking at these and had reached out to the seller about measurements to get further info. Heard back and unfortunately they don’t go past size 10 for larger feet but pretty cool in general! You can do a search in the bar and list Gucci Slides for women and you’ll see other brands too like Prada, etc. Shipping seems to take quite a bit of time though so keep that in mind if you decide to try it out.