I Suck
I suck
I fail at everything
Everything I do sucks
My art sucks
I suck at math
And I have such bad luck
And I will be alone on my birthday
And I faint at the sight of my own blood
And I have eczema
And everything makes me depressed except being with my friends and singing
I can’t write poems or songs
And I quit the piano and flute
And I can’t even keep my hamster in his cage and fed
And neither of my dogs love me as much as they love other people
And I’m not responsible with my money
And nothing I do ever ends well
And I definitely should never get a cat, because I will either over feed it or forget to feed it
I can’t do anything right
And my posture is terrible
I can’t draw
Or play any instruments correctly
Or even drink enough water
I am definitely going to fail the math test on my birthday
I should just live alone
Have no friends
And just read all day till the day I die