Husband told me I had "OCD Face"
I was diagnosed last November and my husband has been learning to navigate this with me, for which I have been so grateful.
Yesterday he handed me a cup with my favorite latte in it. The problem was, it was a cup my brain insists is only for cold drinks, despite the fact that I bought it from The Coffee Bean and it's one of those insulated cups shaped like a wine glass. I thanked him and gingerly took the cup and he stopped and looked at me. He said, "You good?" I said, "Yes, why?" He said, "You've got OCD face."
I couldn't help but laugh. Even though I can't see it, it's fascinating to me that he can tell by my body language something's going on.
So here's a little appreciation post for partners of people with OCD. Thank you for weathering the storm with us.
(I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what flair worked best for this)