Family pushing for aggressive treatment in an actively dying patient

Today I was working with a patient who has an irreversible, terminal diagnosis. They are rapidly deteriorating and, in my opinion, actively dying.

But the family are in denial, with an extremely angry and aggressive grief response.

They are pushing for intense monitoring and invasive procedures and treatments, despite these causing the patient a lot of pain and distress, and being of no clear benefit.

They are resisting efforts to palliate the patient e.g. blocking nurses from administering analgesia due to concerns that it will kill their relative.

The medical team keep caving to their requests and keeping the patient on obs and active treatment despite admitting that these are likely futile in discussions with nursing staff.

I find these cases very distressing to deal with. I know grief is difficult, and that the family are not processing things rationally - in their minds, they are protecting their loved one from harm. But by denying the inevitable and interfering with palliative care they are causing their loved one unnecessary pain and distress.

How do you guys approach situations like this?