
Hi 2nd year student nurse on placement on a surgical ward. at my uni we are required to do 6 nights in the whole 3 years of our degree. On my first placement, i was in a care home and didn’t do any nights. So i’m doing my nights here, for reference i’m only here for 9 weeks. This is my 3rd week.

I don’t want to do any more nights after i complete my 6. After the requirement, why should i do any more? My assessor works a lot of nights and unfortunately i don’t want to. My supervisor looks like she doesn’t want to work with me, and the ward manager is quite rude i’ve only seen her once since starting out. On night shift i’ve gotten shouted at by a nurse because “i took her room where she was going to sleep”, the staff at night are quite rude. The rota however is already set out for students as in we have a roster (which i find quite mad). I’m on night shift every week till i finish in March.

Night shifts impact my physical and mental health a lot and as i’ve done a lot in my life, i feel sick sometimes doing them. How do i do say this to my assessor? That after the 6 i no longer want to do any more. I can’t do the transition between nights and long day it’s horrible.

Also i hate being called “the student”…

Any advice?