Help me have empathy for remote workers "being forced back into the office."
I've been an RN for more than 20 years, always in a hospital or outpatient clinic. Most days, I feel like I run around with my pants on fire to meet the demands of my job. I don't get snow days, I get texts: "Are you driving in or do we have to send someone to pick you up?" I have family that have sat at their computers for 5 years and are now complaining that they have to get dressed for work, drive/park or commute to work, deal with coworkers and people in person. And they should get paid more to show up in person. I look at them and say, "gee, that sucks" but I have no room for empathy on this. A requirement of your job is that you do something like show up, I have to do lots of crap (shots, tests, uniforms) because it is required by my employer. How do you find empathy for family and friends having to return to working in person?