We live in crushing poverty.

Not much more to say really, with my fiancee (which I live with) we have a combined 700kr, and it has to last for the next 2 weeks.

NAV refuses to give us sosjalhjelp, already applied twice,, we're already a week late on rent.

Im on AAP and fighting to get disability, I get 11k, just enough to cover rent, and she just lost her job and her contract runs out in a month.

Trying to sell our belongings on finn and we're getting jack shit on results there

I lived in Norway my whole life, and i've never been this utterly crushed

I have no idea how to make ends meet, what the hell do we even eat?

I also somehow have to make my way to Oslo in April for medical treatment for my disabilities.

What the fuck do we do... We live in Trondheim, are there any places we can get food or basic supplies?