About this subreddit

I've noticed that in this subreddit, everytime somebody questions the status quo of any NE state, they automatically resort to name calling. Any non tribal people have any questions, the NE people start to act all racist. I'm from Meghalaya, and I joined this subreddit thinking that I'd get more information of current affairs, and I did get those, but along the way, I've seen so much hatred and lack of open to discussion, it's crazy. I mean, r/india, a lot, if not all, are more open minded redditors compared to the average indian I've met irl, and joining north east subreddit, I thought, I'd see more open minded discussions, but nah, it's not any different than meeting the average north eastern i.e. hatred towards non-tribals and refusal to see any other perspective. I really wanted to love this subreddit, but as things stand, I might as well go to chemotherapy because of how much cancer this subreddit has become

P.S. it hasn't even been 10 mins, and the comments already going wild 😭🙏

Edit: Look, people can lecture all you want about the political and economical state of the world, but what I am talking about is the here and now, about how regular tribal and non tribal can't even have a conversation without resorting to name calling in the subreddit.

I am not gonna be showing my identity cause obviously, it's the internet, but you can either take my word that I'm pure blood khasi or not, it's up to you. Don ki briew ki ba kwah ban nang hindi.

But understand that, as humans, we gotta atleast be able to talk about regular stuff without getting insulted. This is not a problem with just the NE, it's a problem with india in general, but I'm talking about reddit, a sweaty nerd's favourite app, in this app, r/india so far I've encountered has had more open minded individuals, than this subreddit, this doesn't mean, it's all of r/india, it's just more in quantity, it's a numbers game. Again, this doesn't mean, I think, NE is inferior to mainlanders, all I am saying is, only berate individuals who deserve it. People who are just curious and come by this sub get absolutely trashed cause they ain't NE.

The guy talking about the country's politics have merit when it comes to the political side of things, there is a lot of room for discussion. But I'm mostly talking about minor insignificant things like some non tribal asking "what's a miya" and the reply is a name calling and worse part is, the reply gets upvoted.

I've been fortunate enough to have been surrounded by people who always make me think outside the box, and encourage a lot of critical thinking. But seeing these type of comments, I can't help but feel that this is all for naught.

I'll still join the subreddit cause the news and information I get from here is very valuable to me, since getting these kind of daily news is difficult to find else where, but yeah. I just wanted to give my thoughts on this.