Supplements that really help with sleep?
I'm trying to get off mirtazapine (used only as needed not daily) and trazadone (taken daily). I've tried thc and it works but I'm trying to take a tolerance break. I've tried magnesium glycinate, magnesium oxide and magnesium l threonate. None make me sleepy or help my anxiety at all. I've had some noticeable effects with l theanine, but kind of makes me feel loopy sometimes. I've tried lemon balm (alcohol free form). Didn't notice a difference. Chamomile does nothing either. I have valerian at home but I'm scared to try it because I've heard controversial things. Anyone have supplements they've tried that have really helped with anxiety and sleep? My problem is two things. I don't get sleepy anymore and my brain goes absolutely nuts the second I lay down to sleep.