Mercy killings?
TW: discussions of r@pe and murd3r
*Note: I was raised in a Catholic household (not super religious, but held those basic beliefs) so a lot of my terminology in this post will be based on those ideas.
I know there are a lot of “reasons” for mercy killings or honor killings, one of them being to “restore honor” to the family.
But I’ve always been curious about this. I know in some religions, they believe that if a person is murdered rather than dying of natural causes or something, they automatically go to “Heaven” (or whatever religious equivalent). So is the idea behind some mercy killings that…
For example: a person commits a crime/sin that is against their religion or their family/social group deems it serious enough for them to be condemned to “Hell” upon their death (sins/crimes depending on the religion i.e. adultery, divorce, r@pe, etc.). Therefore, as an act of “mercy”, to prevent the person from being condemned to “Hell”, the person is killed so that they are “guaranteed” to go to “Heaven”, since a person who is murdered automatically goes to Heaven?