Could anyone please help me why I've been ghosted or why it hurts so much?
WARNING : This is a lot of reading.
So I'm (M24) more of a "dating" guy. I've never tried to use and abuse girls or anything and I don't really plan to because its fucking disgusting. Anyways, I recently began working with a girl (F25), we'll call her Izzy, and sparks seemed to fly, I felt something and I think she did too. Funnily enough, next shift, met her best friend by pure chance, (we'll call her Steph) and told her Izzy seemed like a cool girl. Steph seemed more excited than I was, in fact, gave me backstory about how Izzy was recently dumped by her ex. (Apparently, he wanted to go travelling without her and her friend said he was a bit of a fuckboi) On another shift, saw them both, and Steph was very happy to see me, and it seemed like Izzy was too. I did'nt even know she would be there until Steph told me. I asked for her snapchat (I know I know, I'm 24) And I began messaging her that night onwards. She said she wasnt free for 2 weeks because she was so busy, which to be fair, doing what shes doing makes sense. It seemed like it was going well and then Izzy and Steph said we should go on a double date, with Stephs boyfriend. I was hoping for one on one but I said yes. Then I saw Izzy and Steph again on another shift and spent most of the night with Izzy, had a REALLY good shift, talked about red flags, asked about her and she about me, said I had some real nice eyes, spent one on one time with one another, AND she even asked me for a selfie with fireworks. It was good. So naturally I started flirting and about a day or two after I asked if one on one time was possible for a date. Then she dropped on me and I quote
"I mean yes of course but in that case I should probably mention now that im definitely not ready for another relationship or anything serious like that just yet… 😅 I’m definitely fine seeing how some “no strings attached/no expectations” kind of “fun” (including dinners and adventures etc) goes if you’d be comfortable with that, but I also completely understand if that’s not you’re style 😅"
Now I said thats fine even though I was hoping for a relationship but thought maybe she was scared. In my gut I felt like she just wanted to see other guys or something too. Anyways I kept chatting with her like normal and she said all the cringe stuff was fine, and that I didnt even need to pump the brakes because I specifically asked her. Heres the thing though, I keep getting this feeling that theres other guys. Case and point being that on her story she appeared tk be on a date with another guy, or at least out to dinner and she has messaged me a lot less recently. I dont care if it was a date but the fact that all of the last few days ive been ghosted except for once a day and the response was "just want to enjoy my time with the company here on shift, trying to stay off my phone". It felt like bullshit and now Im getting nothing from her. I probably did go in way too strong but I pulled back. Can someone please offer even a guess as to why shes just gone?