Where do people even buy drugs from?
i was raised to be on the look out for the many dealers that were sure to approach me as a teenager asking if i wanted to buy from them and to be sure to say no. along with all the D.A.R.E stuff at school. but i was never approached by anyone or anything and never had to look out for them. i guess it's just curiosity bugging me now and it won't leave my mind until i get an answer but seriously, i never even saw like the "typical shady people" that the media (or my parents) warned me about.
New user pass phrase: I genuinely don't know the answer
(i never use reddit so please don't make fun of me for my formatting or something 😭)
edit: i love how people are thinking i'm a cop. boy i'm a 22 yr old woman who's very introverted so i was just curious 😭😭 thank you to everyone that gave me serious answers though! and stop messaging me asking if i wanna buy please! i'm not interested.