How do I stop feeling guilty?

I (25f) just started living with a couple of my closest friends (married queer couple, 30 & 35) not too long ago, and at the time, I was healthy, bubbly, clean, and working a demanding gig job that paid a good bit.

Recently, I started getting really sick. My energy plummeted, I started getting extremely anxious all the time, and I started passing out. Frequently. I kept having to leave work early/call out because of how I felt or my fainting spells. I managed to get a part time job after a month of sending out resumes, but even then I’ve been having to call out of shifts and leave because I’m passing out or throwing up or too weak to stand. I’m still applying to full time easier jobs, but getting nowhere. My debt is climbing and my roomies have had to cover quite a bit of my promised portions of expenses (groceries, utilities, rent) because I haven’t been able to afford it.

Recently, I’ve been diagnosed with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and have had to be hospitalized twice because of puking/ fainting spells lasting 5+ minutes. My roomies have been with me every step of the way - even going to the hospital with me the last time and try to assure me it’s alright, but I know they’re not doing great financially now (both used to work in the film industry in GA and haven’t had a gig in months so they also had to switch careers during all of this) and are trying to save up for a house in a more tolerant state and adopt a baby.

The guilt of the money, energy, and time that they’re spending on me is almost driving me crazy. They insist that it’s okay, but I really can’t help it. I feel like I’m pulling them down with me and I want to give back, but I’m not sure how I can. How do I stop feeling guilty or move on?

TLDR: I started living with my married best friends but I got really sick and now they’re having to pay my portion of bills even though they’re trying to save for a baby