What’s it like to be a white person?

I asked this question under another post, but I’m really interested in having this conversation with even more people.

Hear me out.

I’m a dark skinned black woman with type 4 coily hair. At certain points in my life, I had to be in predominantly white spaces. I’ve always felt somewhat excluded even when I was friends with some of the white people.

They just seemed to understand each other when it came down to the little things like haircare and makeup and skin. Whereas I was kind of the odd one out because I obviously couldn’t relate. Even TV shows mostly depicted white people as the “normal, average” people.

I love my blackness - let me make that clear. But, sometimes I wonder what it’s like on the “other side”?

What’s it like to be the “default”? What’s it like to have straight or wavy hair? What’s it like to have blue eyes (is it true that your eyes hurt more in the sun)? What’s it like to have white skin and have to constantly remember sunscreen?

It’s good to do it no matter your complexion, but I don’t wear any except to protect my tattoo if it’s gonna be exposed. I know for a fact that I’d find it hard to remember to put it on my body every day.

Yea, I’m curious about all of this.