Was my comment racist?
Can y'all help me out with this? I honestly want to understand.
Some context about me: I'm an older, white, female GenXer with Aspergers, so even though I try, I don't always get the social implications of things.
Here's what happened:
I went to my grandaughter's elementary school graduation with my daughter and her family. A black guy walked in who looked dead up like Snoop Dogg... hair, clothes, everything. I go "Wow! He looks like Snoop!"
I thought my daughter was going to kill me. Said my comment was racist. I absolutely didn't mean it that way, but felt like a jackass, thinking everyone around us thought I was being racist.
If it had been some white dude walking in that looked like Woody Harrelson or someone, I would have said "Wow! He looks like Woody Harrelson!"
In my mind... it's exactly the same thing. If a black person said that about the white guy that looked like Woody Harrelson, I would have thought nothing of it.
So I'm a little confused and in need of your expert advice.
Can someone please explain to me if what I said was actually racist and in what way?