What are you actually doing in your bases?

I love base building. I've built a few myself that I really like, but nothing like some of the insanely detailed and creative glitch builds I've seen on reddit. I'm talking about those with realistic looking kitchens constructed out of dozens of repurposed, resized and glitched in items.

However, I realized, once I'm finished, I never visit my base again. For most purposes, like refining materials, changing appearance or harvesting crops, I use my freighter, because its more convenient and the useful parts usually ruin or at least pose a challenge to my base design. The only bases I visit regularly are a couple of resource mining bases. But since thy are mining focused, they are more funktional than nice to look at.

So, do you ever visit your "player homes" and if so, what are you doing there? I kinda wanna try one of those insane builds, but I find it a little hard to find the motivation to spend days on a building that I will probably never visit, once it's finished.