We're 11 Expeditions in Now. Hot Take: Most of Them Haven't Been Fun.

I think the most interesting / fun expeditions are the ones that don't just devolve into glorified scavenger hunts. This expedition in particular has been the most egregious example of them all, even moreso than the xenobiology (or was it exobiology?). I gave up shortly after the first milestone and resorted to guides because 2/3 of the milestones after that require landing on every random planet you come across and hoping you find something.

And even those guides just boil down to "find a portal, enter these coordinates." Really engaging gameplay, lemme tell ya. Sorry I don't have 100 hours over 6 weeks to find everything on my own Hello Games, but don't worry, with every expedition I'm slightly less inclined to come back for the next expedition or touch my main save...