Leaving T-Mobile Soon! Visible vs Spectrum vs FirstNet

I finally paid off my phone and plan to switch from T-Mobile ASAP. Service has been sub-par here in South Austin and Kyle, TX. Rate increases and customer service going south I'm just thinking of moving to a more basic carrier (MVMO).

I did a trial with Visible and was shocked how much faster and better service was in my area. Had VZW back in 2015 and was nothing like this. I was waiting for a new Visible Plus plan promo to come out then make the switch but noticed Spectrum has a free unlimited plan (12-mo) promo at the moment and only $10 more for their plus plan.

Throw in the mix I'm a first responder so I do qualify for FirstNet with prioritized data and network with AT&T, I just had horrible experiences with them in the past. Used them the first 2-3 years they were around so maybe things have gotten better?

Any advice or user experience would be appreciated. Currently I'm leaning towards trying spectrum for a year with the promo and then reevaluating.

Visible Spectrum Mobile FirstNet
Base: $15/mo (5yrs) Unlimited: $0/mo (1yr) Unlimited: $40/mo
Plus: $45/mo Unlimited Plus: $10/mo (1yr) Unlimited Extra: $45/mo