Was Kurt close at all to getting sober near his time of death?

I know he did a near fatal dose of H before he ended his life, but if he was convinced to go through with it by then it makes sense he’d use one last time, but just reading through this journal entry shorty before his death it seems like he’s genuinely lost the desire to get high but had lost any will to actually do anything about it, it’s saddening he might’ve been able to get help and stay clean had he truly pushed to get clean earlier

I know he did a near fatal dose of H before he ended his life, but if he was convinced to go through with it by then it makes sense he’d use one last time, but just reading through this journal entry shorty before his death it seems like he’s genuinely lost the desire to get high but had lost any will to actually do anything about it, it’s saddening he might’ve been able to get help and stay clean had he truly pushed to get clean earlier