Grown and mature DS games
I recently recharged my DS-lite again to have something handheld. Recently (on other consoleS) I've been playing a lot of games I'd never consider when I was younger, things that are more grown and mature like Bloodborne, Deus Ex, Nier Automata, Last Of Us etc - and I love games with striking visual styles and great stories
I am looking at the DS catalogue and a lot of the games I played when I was younger I feel are a little too 'young' for me now. Not to say I can't enjoy them, but I want to experience a game that was made for the DS and should only be experienced on DS, that more older audiences can enjoy. Ones that really utilise the dual screen in unique ways and make me feel something as I'm playing that through the music, characters, art style and more
The whole world of japanese / anime themed DS games are completely alien to me and I know the DS has a lot of that, but ANY type of recommendations that fit the bill would be amazing. I have a DS-lite, so please don't suggest any games that aren't compatible with it
I currently have LOZ Phantom Hourglass and Professor Layton: Pandora's Box. Please don't suggest things like Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros, Wario Ware etc - all great games but not the type I'm looking for