Max G2 - rear suspension adjustment
I have 95kg and the out of the box rear suspensions seemed to be ok for the most hiccups on the road, but when jumping off small curb i noticed a slight metalic sound coming from the rear combined with a plastic sound from the fender. I decided to soften them up a bit and noticed a couple of things:
- when turning the key to Soften or Grip, keep the other hand on the plastic coating of the tube (where is written MAX G2). That plastic is just a separate cover of the spring and when turning it, sometimes it turns with your stroke, sometimes it does not. This to keep the nice writing always upward after adjustments :)
- to make sure that i adjusted both the same, i Soften one of them more, then looked at both right below the plastic coating, there i noticed the height difference between of them, using that visual indicator i could adjust them at the same strength